What about embedded mobile market?

In vehicle computer, single board computer, Industrial PC

In vehicle computer, single board computer, Industrial PC

Mobile Battery life

Mobile computing has always required a balance of embedded performance and power consumption. The combination of smaller form factors and consumers demanding more out of their devices has led chip designers to develop ways around the power/performance gap. Without cutting power altogether, designers turn to techniques like clock scaling, where embedded processor speeds vary based on the intensity of a task. Designers have also reverted to dual- and quad-core processors that decrease power while still delivering performance. As consumers continue to trend toward an “always on, always connected” experience, processors must become more powerful and more energy efficient.


The way consumers use computing devices is drastically changing, as their primary computing devices are no longer stationary, but carried paltform around in their pockets, bags, and purses. The number of mobile connected devices will exceed the world’s population in 2012, according to industry studies. By 2016 there will be more than 10 billion mobile Internet connections around the world, with 8 billion of them being personal devices and 2 billion Machine-to-Machine (M2M) connections.

 refer to:http://embedded-computing.com/articles/matching-cores-demands-always-mobile-applications/#at_pco=cfd-1.0